Continuing on the summarizing through excerpts from “Talks and Dialogues” JD Krishnamurti.
Meditation is
a loaded word, and there are several schools of meditation, different methods,
various systems which will produce attention. They say “watch the movement of
your hand” or “pay attention to it, work and watch it, watch it” and so on.
Meditation as control, following an idea, looking on an image, taking a phrase
and going into it, listening to the word Om or Amen, listening to the sound of
it, following it, etc. There is implied an activity of thought, an activity of
imitation, a movement of conformity to an established order. According to JD
those are not meditation at all. Meditation is to be aware of thought, of
feeling, never to correct it, never to say it is right or wrong, never to
justify it, but to just watch it and move with it. In that watching and moving
with that thought, with that feeling, you beginning to understand and to be
aware of the whole nature of thought and feeling. Out of this awareness comes
silence, not simulated, not controlled, not put together by thought, for
silence put together by thought is stagnant, is dead. Silence comes when
thought has understood its own beginning, the nature of itself, how all thought
is never free but always old. To see all this, to see the movement of every
thought, to understand it, to be aware of it, is to come to that silence which
is meditation, in which the ‘observer’ never is.
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