Have you heard the sound of thunder?
Have you really listened to it? It speaks of power, strength – a controlled
anger unleashed by the sky.
Sometimes it sounds like a yelp of
joy, abundance, a rumble of contentment!! At other times it is a growl of
dissent, a warning, demanding you to be aware of the immense force you seem to
have forgotten about with your everyday cares.
As its vibrations pulses through, you realize
your insignificance in this world. How tiny, powerless and vulnerable you are! And
how wonderfully liberating is that feeling! To remember that you are not as
important as you think, you cannot even drown out the sound of thunder! Or capture
It is at that moment that you truly
begin to relish the sound and the vibrations. And wait for it come again. Alas!
It is too elusive in nature, with its own whims. Having reminded you of
your reality, it flies away to scare some other ignorant soul. Each
time, leaving behind a string of those, waiting eagerly for more!
sounds like the monsoons have finally arrived with a bang :P