Monday, 27 August 2012


I wish I was a tree. I would be so sturdy, solid and in peace with myself and my surroundings.
I would have been in the same place my entire life and not be bothered about the fact that I cannot go and see the world.
I would have loved the wind, bend along with it but never leave my roots. I would dance with it, rustle my leaves and sway my branches gracefully without inhibition.
If I was a tree, I wouldn’t try to avoid the sun, afraid to tan or sweat. I would welcome the sunlight and bask in it.
I would have loved the rain every time it visits me, without worrying about mud and slosh. I would get drenched every time it rains with no worry of illness or care. I would have become more beautiful with each shower!
If I was a tree I would have been the home to many smaller creatures. I would provide food and shade to others. I would be doing this without expecting anything in return, without being proud or being intimidated by others.
I would have been neither happy not sad, I would have no ambition and neither could have been chided by others for the lack of it. I would not have any pressure to perform or conform. I would be free in the truest sense without moving an inch.
I would have just accepted the universe as it is, with humility and wisdom. I would not have felt the need to know or create a purpose for my life to make myself feel important. I already would know my contribution to this world and that would have been enough for me.
I would have not require anything except the sun, the rain, the birds and the wind, all of which are abundant around me. Hence I would not need to plan for the future or worry about any dearth.
I would have been without thought, desire, emotions and religion. I wouldn’t have needed a God to have faith or needed to know the mysteries of the universe.
I wish I was a tree so that I would have know what it is to just be.

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