think there are two phrases which occur most frequently in conversations of the
modern youth – “I am busy” and “…have no time…” I hear them too often while
talking to my friends. Why, when I look back that’s all I remember from my days
before quitting work. Always had a zillion things to do, deadlines to meet and
that nagging feeling that you have not given your best. Of course then, there
was the fun stuff to add to the busy schedule. You will have to agree, that fun
things take time too – no matter how much you enjoy this ‘time’ or how fast it
seems to get over.
often wonder as to why are we so busy? Why are our “To Do’ so long with barely
any strike offs at the end of the day, week and sometimes months?
easiest answer which comes to my mind is that we take up too many things to do.
Of course the answer is partly true. A lecture on positive psychology I heard
once talked about how our happiness is deeply connected to living a simple life
which involves doing lesser number of things. Yes it is very difficult to let
go. The laundry can wait a day, the new project can be turned down and that
scuba diving trip can definitely be put off till the next year. Ok, I was being
sarcastic. Of course, it is very difficult to let go, but then a question bugs
me often. The previous generation never looked so busy. Maybe there is a reason
and it has got to do with doing less. Having too many things to do forces us to
prioritize – and just by virtue of prioritizing, things are put into an order
of importance. The 10th thing in the list could be very important
but there are still 9 other things are more important and have to be done
before we come to this one. Nothing much can be done about it, except to try
and get fewer things to prioritize.
believe work expands to fill all the time available. While I no longer go to
office, I still have a “To Do” list there are items in it which goes unchecked
at the end of the day. All you working people must scorn at me for this, but I
would strongly suggest you to realize that whether you are a
student/employee/business owner/stay at home person – you will always have work
to do which never seems to get over.
wonder if one of the reasons for shortage of time is technology!! No, am not
one of the anti-technology people. I own a smart phone, have latest software’s
in my computer and have all the necessary gadgets in my house. But I think of
this – I have been planning to write since last 6 months but I finally got down
to do it today because there is no electricity in the house – hence no TV, no
computer and no phone either (my mobile battery died down after the first
couple of calls).
that to work. I remember checking my mail a zillion times during the day,
similar to many others, clogging up the network. Then there were the phone
calls, interrupting me in my work every couple of minutes. Our kitchen would be
a better example to show how technology restricts time in our life. I have all
the equipment and gadgets to help save time in cooking and processing food –
and I spend the saved time cleaning those equipments (not to speak of the
spilled juices due to a lid not closed properly) Ha! It is true – technology
makes our life easier and busier!
this whole ‘busy’ thing is a sham. A friend once told me, that when we say we
are too busy to do something, that thing is not on our priority list - we do
not consider it that important. Maybe people are not lost but rather well
sorted out in their minds. They know what they really want and have only a skin
deep regret for the peripheral things which they express in the form of “being
too busy” to do them.
I know of a handful of people who live their lives differently. They always
have time for a meaningful conversation, take time to understand the situation
before judging or looking for solution and speak slowly, only after thinking it
over. They never seem to be rushed, always appear prepared for the
meeting/presentation or discussion. I have often asked them how do they manage
to do it, and all I get of an answer is a smile and a “you will learn it along
the way”. So frustrating!! Guess we all just have to find out our own way!! J
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